


Frederick A Abbott

Allan Wolfe Abrahams

Frederick John Adams

G Adamthaite

Denis Alcock

Gordon Adlred

F N Alker

Morris Allan

Peter Allday

B J Allen

George Allen

N Allen

P J Allen

Anthony Allingham

Dennis Gerald Allkins

Lawrence Allsop

Geoffrey Alton

Reginald Lister Amson

David Anderson

John Shaw Anderson

Robert John Anderson

Derick James Andrews

Joseph Andrews

Arthur Archer

Lord Peter Archer of Sandwell

Birtley Aris

J F Arlington

George Arnsby

Tom E Arrowsmith

Ernest Arundel

Harry Arundel

Jim V Ashford

David Ashworth

Ronald Assheton

K J Astbury

P T Athow

Edward F Atkins

John Atkinson

Edward John Austin

C Avebury

John Avery

Kenneth William Bacon

Dr Timothy B Bagenal

Arthur Bailey

Donald S Bailey

Jack Bailey

John Bailey

Peter Bailey

Ralph Bailey

Raymond Frederick Bailey

Sir Stanley Bailey

William Bainbridge

Geoffrey (Joffers) Baker

George A Baker

Stanley Baker

Alan Ball

Alfred John Ball

Alan John Ballard

Donald Ballard

John Redford Bamborough

Arthur Banham

R (Geoff) Banks

Jack Bannister

Stephen John Bannister

Wilfred Henry Barber

John George Barclay

J D Barlow

Arthur J Barnes

D Barnes

Edward Barrett Died During Period Of N.S.

Peter Barter

Eric (Morcambe) Bartholomew

Keith G Barton

Alan Henry Bartram

William R Bashford

John Roger Bass

Joseph Bass

Alan R Batchelor

John Charles Arthur Bates

Harcourt S Bath

Leonard Bayliss Died During Period Of N.S.

Stanley Baxter

Stanley Norman Beale

F Beasley

Frederick Beaumont

Steven L Beaven

Derrick WildBedford

Roy Beeker

Donald Bell

Donald Stalker Dobbie Bell

Joe Bellamy

John Fullwood Bellamy

Lesley Bellingham

Douglas Eric Benbow

Horace Raymond Bendon

Walter Benjamin

Alan Raymond Bennett

Peter Earl Bennett

Raymond Jesse Bennett

Ronald Charles Bennett

Sydney Bennett

Robert Benzie

Hugh Beresford

Roy S Beresford

Ernest Ronald David Berry

Cyril Victor Berwick

G Bessel

Densil E Best

John Donaldson Bews

H W Bick

Alfred Edward Bicker

Bernard Bicknell

Norman Bicknell

John Bingham

Denis Arthur Bird

John Birnie

G Birtles

Edward E Bishop

Leonald Edward Arnold Bishop

Peter James Black

Bill Blackmore

Leo Blackwell

W H Blake

J Blakeledge

Rev’d E Blanchard

Sid Bloom

Harold Blow

Russell Bluett

Arnold Boardman

John Boardman

Patrick Charles Bolger

William Bolingbroke

Henry Gordon Bond

Tom Leslie Bond

R Bone

John Bonney

Thomas Bonsell

Eric Boon

David Booth

John Alwyn Booth

Charles Borley

Jack Borrell

Harold D Bostock

A Edwin Boston

Michael Issy Botchin

Walter Boucher

John Douglas Bough

Philip John Bounds

Ronald Bourne

Arthur Bowen

Dewi Bowen

Ronald Bowen

W A W Bowen

Norman E Bowman

Derrick Allan Boxall

Albert Leonard Boxold

William Bowyer

Alan Brailsford

Maurice Brake

Maurice Edgar Brand

Phineas (Pinky) Brand

R E Branston

Norman Bratton-Brown

A W Bremridge

Ronald Charles Bresland

Richard Brett

William R Brewer

Ronald Dennis Brewster

Normal Brickell

Bernard Bicknell

Les Brigden

Thomas Briscoe

William Henry Bristow

Donald Britchford

Frederick Broadhurst

Maurice Brooke

Franklyn Brookman

Frank Charles Broom

George A Brough

B Brown

Douglas Herbet Brown

Jack Brown

Joseph William Brown

L H Brown

Ronald Brown

Roy Brown

R D Brown

W A R Brown

Robert W Browning

Roy E Browning

William Bowyer

Ivor G W Brundenell

David Bryan

Basil Edward Bryant

Frederick L Buckle

Edgar Buckley

Ronald Ernest Buckman

Peter F Budd

A Budge

Cyril F Buffard

Dennis A Bull

Douglas Bullock

Alan Bulmer

John Burgess

Reginald Burley

J Burnham

William E Burrage

Alan E Burroughs

Charles Burton

Frank Edward Burton

Stanley Butcher

Jim H G H Byard

Edward John Callicott

R Cammerer

Ronald Camidge

Ronald Campbell

Ronald Capping

Joseph Albert Nowell Card

Gerald E Carey

Hugh Carpenter

Stanley E Carpenter

Alan Carr

George Ernest Carr

Dex Carrington

Colin Carroll

Gerald Lawrence Carroll

C W Carter

E Carter

StanleyThomas Carwell-Cooke

Dennis Casey

Edward Catch

Edward Caulfield

Anthony Causon

Ronald M Chalmers MBE

Reginald Thomas Chamberlain

Victor E Channing

Ron L Chantrill

Maurice Victor Chapman

Albert Chappel

Arthur Thomas Chappell

Ray Charlton

Charles Cheney

Geoffrey Davidson Chester

Derek Albert Childs

Albert Harold Chivers

Kenneth H Chorley

Ian D Christie

Eric W Chuck

Ernest George Clack

Brian Clapham

A A Clark

Colin C Clark

Desmond Frank Clark

Thomas Clark

Frank Albert Clarke

Frank W Clarke

Reginald C Clarke

John F Claxton

Jim Clayton

Douglas J W Cleverly

Philip V Coates

Leslie Cocking

Stanley R C Coe

John F Coe

Kenneth R Coe

Robert William Coleman

Roy Collerson

Francis Collery

Frank Collieson

Stanley Charles Conn

Edie D Conway

H Conway

John Copley

Reginald Wallis Copp

Christy John Constable

   John Cook

John S Cook

Ronald C Cook

Roy Cook

Dr J V Cookshoot

Anthony George Coombes

Charles Cooper

Ernest Cooper

Frank Cooper

Norman Henry Cooper

Roy F M Cooper

William John Cooper

                              S Corbishley


Victor I Cornish

Frederick A Cox

Tom Cox

Henry Coyle

Arthur Coyne

John Cracknell

R W Craddock

John Craig

Alfred C Crane

Richard Martin Crawford

Herbert G Creedy

Dennis Arthur Crisp

Raymond Dennis Croft

Fred Cull

Frederick A Cullen

William John Cullum

Fred Culver

Hugh John Cunningham

Robert Curzon

Peter Cusworth

Kenneth Da'Costa

Toni Dalli

George Dangerfield

Graham Daniels

----------- Danway

Edward George Darch

Donald Dateman

Norman David

George D Davies

Kenneth M Davies

Percy Davidge

Harold Andrew Davidson

E T Davies

Frederick Davies

Gareth Davies

Gordon Davies

John Davies

John (Jack) Davies

Peter John Davies

'Red' Ray Davies

Evan David Davis

E R Davis

F J Davis

Dennis Derek Davison

Kenneth H Dawes

Victor Edward Dawson

William Dawson

C Gerry Day

David Day

A Deacon

E W Dean

John Dearne

K Declat

Francis Roy Deeley

R Denham

Charles Dennis Dermott

Eric Dewhurst

Brian Dibb

J Dickens

L C Dickens

John Edward Dickinson

Richard W Dicks

E Dickson

Ernest Dickinson

L Dighton

Zachariah Dimmock

Frederick C Dobbs

William Docherty

Roy Dodd

E Doherty

Monty Dorsman

Jack Douglas

A Downting

George Downward

A R Drabwell

Harry Drake

Paul Driver

John Graham Dron

David Duff

Andrew Langdale Duff

Daniel Duhig

R Duncan

Ron F Dunning

John R Dunsmuir

Philip Durber

P Durkin

George Duxbury

George Sydney Dyke

Ronald Eastaugh

Jack E Easthope

John D Eastwood

Stuart Harry Eccleshare

Cecil N Ede

Ian Bell Edgar

Michael Edmeads

Michael Edmonds

Alwyn Tacwyn Edwards

Desmond L I Edwards

George Edwards

James Edwards

Jimmy Edwards

Jim E Edwards

W Edwards

George Eldred

Edmund Ellery

John Arthur Ellis

W Ellis

Micael Elliott

J Emmerson

Maurice Emerson

Peter Valentine Emmerson

Percy Sidney Emmins

Theodore Lionel Etherden

E G Evans

George Evans Died During Period Of N.S.

Hayden Evans

Gwilym Evans-Hughes

William Thomas Eve

Joseph W M Failes

T G Fairbrother

Frederick George Farmer

George Farmer

Roy C Farrant

Christopher Farrell

Ralph A Faulkner

G W Feek

Harry Feigl

Ian Ferguson

Cyril Fiddy

Nathaqn Field

A M Finn

R E Finn

A E Finlay

Lord Geoffrey Finsberg

Alan Firth

Herbert Firth

Alan William Fisher

Dennis Fisher

Edwin Charles Fisher

A L Fisk

Issac Jack Fixman

Ronald George Fleming

G E Fletcher

Edward Flower

Dennis Forbes

Alan Ford

Paul Fordham

Eric Forrester

Harry Fowler

John L Fowler

Kenneth Fowler

Desmond Fox

George Henry 'Harry' Fradgley

John Frame

David Fraser

Robert Fraser

Gordon D Freeman

Ron Freedman

Raymond Freeman

Stuart A Freeman

Peter French

M W Fretten

Frank W Frusher

William R Fry

D Gammon

Edward Garbett

Thomas Brough Gardener

Charles Garland

R W Garnett

Sydney Garnsworthy

Roland Garratt

Francis Eric Garside

Raymond Garwell

E Gaskell

John Pattison Gaunt

Thomas Gaunt

David Gayton

Frank Gearing

William E Geddes

Albert E W Gell

G S George

Rev'd Maurice George

Father Jospeh Geoghegan

Ralph V Gibbs

Harold Gibson

Arthur Gilbert

Eric Gill

Harold Gimbeth

W D Ginbey

R A (Roly) Gingell

Thomas Ernest Glover

Arthur J Gloyns

Reginald Goad

Rufus J Godson

John Goode

V Goodchild

Raymond Alec Gooding

George Goodliff

Victor Goodsell

Maurice William G Goodship

Roger Goodwin

Russell Goodwin

Alan Gore

Harry Gore

Robin Stanley Gosheron

John William Gower

Patrick William Graham

Bernard E Grainger

James Grainger Gardner

Kenneth Roy MacDonald Granger

Graham Grant

Roy Grantham

Rev'd Bernard Green

Dennis J Green

R P Green

Stuart Green

Charles Thomas Gregory

Richard Gregory

Ron Griffiths

Sir Ernest Roy Griffiths

William A Griffiths

Fred C Grimes

Ronald Sydney Albert Grimmett

Edley J Grindle

Henry Charles Groeneveld

Cyril Reed Grooby

Alan F Grosvenor

Jack Groves

Kenneth (K J) Grummitt

Frank Henry Grunsell

Norman Hackett

A Hadden

Donald Haigh

R L Haines

Prof Paul Hair

Henry Robert Hale

G Hall

Robert Hall

Thomas Ben Hall

H R Hallett

Kenneth Halliwell

Kenneth Hallsworth

Michael Hamilton-Harvey

Lord Paul Hamlyn

Kenneth James Hammond

W Hancock

Reginald A. Hand

William Hanks

Sidney Hannaford

Norman John Hanslip

R Harding

Albert Henry Hardy

Joseph Hardy

Geoffrey Harper

John Harrison Harper

Grenville H T J Harries

Dr Alan Harris

Arthur Ronald Harris

Derek Smith Harris

Donald Harris

John Richard Harris

Arthur Frederick Harrison

A T Harrison

Cyril B Harrison

Henry Harrison

P Harrison

Phillip E Harrison

W G Harrison

Joseph Harrop

Roy T Hart

Francis T Hartley

Wilfred Hartley

George N Harvey

Peter GreshamHarvey

Thomas George Harwood

William Hatcher

H Hawes

Dennis A Hawkins

Norman Hugh Hawkins

James Hay

Kenneth Roy Hayden

Jack H.Hayhurst

F Haydon

T Haydon

Frank Haynes MP

Peter William Haynes

Bernard Headland

Ray Head

Joseph A Heathcote

Daniel Heaton

Cannon Francis Heighway

Ernie J Hembling

Michael Dermot Hennessy

R Henney

Clifford George Herbert

John Herbert

Robert Josiah Herrington

Alan Herron

Ronald Hewitt

George Edward Arthur Hickman

J Hickman

Tony Higgleton

Geoff Hill

Harold Hill

Martin Hill

Professor P A Hill

Joseph Hind

Robert Henry Hine

L Hingston

Edward Francis Hintze

Thomas Albert Hipkin

Ken Hirst

L Hirst

Frederick James Hitchcock

John Hixon

Keith D H Hoare

John A Hobbs

Thomas Kenneth Hodge

Rex Hodgkinson

Maurice Hodgson

Daniel Joseph Hogan

George William Holdsworth

Edward Holloway

John Staniland Holman

Len A Holman

Gerald W Holmes

Stanley Holmes

William Edward Holt

Kenneth Hooper

William Houghton

Monty Howard

T Howard

John Howat

D Howell

Henry Augustus Howes

W V Hubbard

Alan S Hughes

Edmund V Hughes

James Alfred Hughes

Neville Hughes

Dr Philip Hughes

Peter Burniston Hughes

Fred Hull

Hubert John Hulme

Albert Frances Humby

Kenneth James Humby

C N Humphrey

Eric Humphreys

J Humphries

George Humphriss

R Hunber

Reginald J Hunt

W H Hunt

George H Hunter

R Hunter

Philip Arthur Hurdley

Michael Joseph Hurley

William Hutton

Robert Hutton-Ashkenny

Charles Iles

George F Ingram

Peter C Ingram Died During Period Of N.S.

J Isaacs

Thomas Gwyn Isaac

Kenneth James Isham

Cyril Ivens

Fred Ivey

George Jack

Brian Jackson

Peter Jackson

Ronald Jacobs

Arthur James

John James

Ronald James

William A James


David Jedwab

Charles Jeffries

Ernest William Jeffries

Jim Jeffries

William Jeffries

Charles Henry Jenkins

John Jenkins

Alun Jennings

J Jepson

Walter (Bill) Jepson

Ronald John

Sydney Harold John

Tom Leslie John

W D John

Alexander Johnson

Bernard Johnson

Eric Johnson

Harry Johnson

Rodney Stephen Johnson

Alfred Henry Jones

A I Jones

Dennis Alexander Jones

Elfet Jones

Eric Brian Jones

George Jones

James Jones

Kenneth Jones

Leslie N Jones

Michael Jones

Reginald Jones

Robert Brearley Jones

Robert Jones

Rev. Stanley Jones

W Jones

William Oliver Jones

William F Joseph

Montague (Monty) Josephs

Gilbert H Joyce

Frank Judd

 Thomas Leo Keating

A C Keeble

L Kemp

Dennis T Kemp

Philip A Kemp

Wilfred Kendrick

Eric Kenneth Keen

StanleyArthur Keith

Arthur D Kennard

James Kent

John Leonard Kent

Ryszard Kepke

James Kerr

Cyril Kilburn

W Kilburn

Gerald Stanley Kilmaster

Dennis Kinder

Stuart G L King

Victor Horace King

William Frederick King

Colin Kirby

C S Kirk

John Kirk

Jim Kirkland

John James Kirwan

Fred Charles Kitchen

Desmond Richard Knipe

Martin Edward Knight

Peter N Knight

Arthur Knowles


Bevin Boy Veteran Badge


Badge can be issued to men who were conscripted directly into the mines, those who opted for mine work in preference to joining the Armed Forces, or those who were in the Armed Forces and volunteered to become miners during the period 1942-1948.

The Bevin Boys scheme was introduced in 1942 by the then Minister for Labour and National Service, Ernest Bevin. The scheme ran between 1942 and 1948 and involved recruiting men to work in coal mines during and immediately following World War 2.


The badge is available to all surviving Bevin Boys and formally recognises their work in the UK coalfields during and immediately after World War II. The badge can only be issued posthumously to the widows of men who died on or after 20 June 2007 and fall into the above category.


The application form for the badge can be found here:

Or you can contact the Department of Energy and climate change who  administer the badge

on 0300 068 5716

Bevin Boy Commemorate Medal

For the relatives of deceased Bevin Boys who do not qualify for the Government Bevin Boy Badge (those Bevin Boys who died before 2007) a Commemorative Medal has been commissioned by the Bevin Boys' Association.


The Bevin Boy Medal is available to Ballotees, Optants, Volunteers and next of kin called up between 1943 and 1948.


The medal is solid silver and can be ordered here:

Bevin Boy Medal


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