IN REMEMBRANCE (L-Z) _____________ Charles Laderman AubreyDennis Lake Raymond Lake F J Lambert Donald Grenville Land Henry Landsberger Alan Lane Horace J Lane William Edward Lane William R Lang Ernest Henry Lapworth
Dennis H Lardner Cyril Lawrence William E Lawrence Albert Lawson George Maclaren Lawson William Lawson James Leach Henderson T Leadbitter Ray Leafe Jeffrey Leak Ralph Leake Edward Leary Jim D Leather James Bell Lechie Arthur Albert Edwin Lee Bernard Lee Bert McBain Lee D E Lee Kenneth Lee Jack H J Leeson Ronald Lentz Frank L Letts A E Leggett Alfred Stanley Lewin Allan Leslie Lewis Dennis Lewis Idris Lewis J E Lewis Kenneth W Lewis Derek F Lillywhite Lawrence Lindsay R E C Ling Donald K Linge Albert Lishman E A Lloyd Jack W Lloyd George D Lloyd Maurice Lloyd Nat Lofthouse John Noel Logan Don S Loible George Lomas J W Long William Long Stanley Longbottom Charles A Longley Kenneth Longstreet Joseph Lovell Frederick John Loveland Percy Albert Loveland Alan Lucas Ernest H Luce Alfred John Ludlam Charles Luke William Edmund Lutwyche Eric Llewellyn Lytton Dr Jessie Dickson Mabon A S Macey Colin W Mackennan Karin Mackie Peter M Mackrill Angus Adam Macleod IanKennedy Macpherson Denis Madden Joseph Maddocks Victor John Madley Donald McAlister J McArdle Seymour McCarraher Kenneth McColl George McCulloch Ray McFall James McGachie John McGennagale Died During Period Of N.S. William McGhie Anthony McGreevy Tom McGuinness Frank Ronald Mclellan Hugh Douglas Mclellan Ian McInnes Angus Adam McLeod Andrew McMahon Lawrence McNally James Ronald McNaughton George McRobie David C B Maitland Donald Roy Males A Malina Lawrence Joseph Mallard P Maltby William Lawrence Manden Patrick Joseph Manifold F D Mann Jeffrey T Mann George Herbert Mann Keith Edward Mannell Albert John Manning David Manuel Jack Markham R Marsay John Edward Marshall
Eric Francis Martin
Died During Period Of N.S.
Kenneth Frederick Martin
James Arnold Martin
K J Martin
Louis A Martin
Leonard Albert Marvin
Ronald S Marwood
Harold Mason
W Mason
Arthur J Masters
James William Matthews
John Matthews
Dennis G May
Robert John Mead
Jack Mercer
Meher Russi Merchant Bevin Trainee
E Metherell
Haydn Middleton
A H Mitchell-Hartcliffe
Aubrey James Potter Millen
Herbert F Mills
John Anthony Mills
Lionell Cadle Mills
Trevor Mills
Ronald Percy Millward
Trevor Miners
C E G Mitchard
A H Mitchell
John Calder Mitchell
Ronald Mitchell
Ben R Mobbs
Geoffrey Mockford
David Mogg
Eric E Monaghan
R P W Monyard
Gerald Moore Died
During Period Of N.S.
Peter Moore
Richard C Moore
Ronald James Morgan
Jack E Morrish
David Morris
Peter Morris
William T Morris
John E Morrison
Charles Mosses
Alan Morton
William Patrick Morton
Arthur George Mould
William George Moxey
Roy H Munt
Raymond R Murch
Albert Murphy
Francis Murphy
Dr Francis (Frank Murphy)
Kenneth Murphy
Thomas Murphy
J E Murray
Died During Period Of N.S.
Ernie George Mutimer
Raymond Naseby
Paul Nash
Henry J Naylor
Alfred Frederick Neal
Clark Neal
Jack Neal
George Alfred Neale
John Fraser Ross Neil
Edgar Thomas Nelmes
Kenneth West Nelson
Derek Edward A Newman
Eric R Newman
John S H Nicholson
David Nicoll
Jack M Nicholls
William Nicholls
Cyril Leslie Nightingale
Leslie Noble
L J Norman
Desmond Edward Norris
Allen Cresswell Nuttall
G H Oakden
Joe Oakden
Alan William Oldfield
V G O'Dell
Patrick O’Leary
John Oliver
John Thomas Olver
Joseph R Olverson
James O’Neill
Richard O'Reilly
William M O’Reilly
Albert Orme
William Outhwaite
George Owen
Fred C Page
Ray Padget
Frank Paling
Donald Hartland Parker
Kenneth Peter Parker
Leslie Parker
Maurice Parker
R W J Parker
Leslie Parsons
Harold Partridge
Kenneth Partridge
Alec Christopher Pate
F Paton
E D Pattison
D Paul
William Paul
Reginald G Pavitt
Harry Payne
Stanley F Payne
John Hubert Pearce
Ronald Pearce
William Peart
Aubrey Eric Pearson
John 'Jack' Pearson
Rev'd Philip Pearson
Thomas Raymond Peck
John Betram Pendress
John Charles Pepper
A H Perry
Robert Keith Perryman
John V Petty
Thomas William Pheasant
Edward Arthur Phillips
Leslie E Phillips
Percy Clifford Phillips
StanleyIssac Phillips
T C Phillips
J Whitfield Mackenzie Phillips
William John Phillips
J S Pibsworth
R Pickering
Granville Pickup
D Piper
Roy Pine
William Frederick John Pink
Cyril Walter Pinn
Desmond William Piper
John Platts-Mills QC
P J Pocock
Norman Frederick Thomas Pollard
Eric F Polton
Fred Pond (Canada)
Alec Pope
D V Pope
George Christopher Poston
A H Potter
Donald Barrie Potter
G Potter
J C Potter
Norman G Potter
D Povah
W T Powell
Richard Powles
Glyn Poyner
Ernest Pratt
Frank Trevor Pratt
Robert G Pratt
William Pratt
Dennis Price
Ivan Price
Michael Price
Died During Period Of N.S.
Richard Price (Canada)
George Francis Priest
George Prime
W Prince
Francis Aubrey Proudler
R E Pryce
J W Pryor
Ralph L Pugh
Vivian Pugh
Jack Gavin Purdon
William Purdy
William Quaddy
James Herbert Quinn
Brian Randall
William F S Randall
Derek John Ratcliffe
LawrenceArthur Ratcliffe
William Radford
George Ralston
Raja Ram
William Edward Randle
Alf Randles
Derek Johnson Ratcliffe
Laurence Arthur Ratcliffe
H W A Rawlings
Geoffrey Raymond
Arthur Read
Geoffrey Read
Maldwyn Rees
Trevor Rees
Basil Leslie Reeve
Norman Reeves
William A Reeves
Andrew Reid
A Reilly
Owen Hughes Renouf
Andrew Terrance Renville
David W Restarick
Peter D Retford
Frank Reynolds
P W Reynolds
R F Reynolds
Victor Charles Reynolds
Harold L Rhodes
Jim Ribbans
Lord Brian Rix
StanleyJohn Rigby
Dennis Rimmer
Arfon Roberts
David John Roberts
D Roberts
E L Roberts
Glyn Roberts
Isaac Roberts
Kenneth Roberts
Maldwyn Rees Roberts
G R J Robertson
Jock D Robertson
Frank Robinson
Idwal Robling
Frank James Edward Robotham
Raymond Oswald Robathan
David Rock
Richard W Rock
Ernest W Roe
Desmond Frederick Rogers
Rev'd Maurice George Walden
George H Rolland
Kenneth Charles Rollings
H E Rose
Thomas Rose
Manuel Rosenberg
Geoffrey Rosling
Alexander Jamieson Ross
Eric Rosser
Thomas Cochrane C Rowan
Peter D Rowbotham
Arthur Wynne Rowlands
Albert John Rowley
E G Rowley
William Rowntree
Ron A Royden
Max A Royle
Arthur G Rudrum
Bertram Rumbol
Leslie Rumsey
Frederick Leonard Rush
L J Rushworth
Frederick Thomas Russell
Ernest Ryland
P D Ryan
F William Sadler
Capt. Tony Sainsbury R.N.V.R.
Eric Sainsbsury
Ewart Salt
Charles J Sammonds
Thomas Herbet Sargent
Arthur H Saunders
Herbert Savage
Leslie Savory
Leslie Scahill
Harry Schofield
Ron H Schofield
Ronald Scotton
Dennis John Scott
J Scott
Frank Allan Scrivener
Samuel G Seager
Alan Seggett
John B Sellen
Ken Selway
Robert Sephton
Norman A Sergeant
Anthony Shaffer
Sir Peter Shaffer
Harold Shale
George Shannon
Gerald Shapson
H Jack Shapter
F C Sharp
James E Sharp
Ronald Sharp
Ernest (Ernie) Sharpe
Harry Warren Sharratt
A W Shaw
Ernest Alfred Shaw
P W Shaw
Reginald Shaw
Michael John Sheldon
Michael Andrew Shepherd
Richard W Sherratt
Raymond H W Sherwood MBE
Richard Alfred Shirvington
Ray A Sholem
Joseph George Short
Richard Alfred Shrivington
Herbert Arthur Silcock
Peter E Silvester
Victor Simkins
Francis A Simmonds
Mark Simmonds
Mike L Simmonds
E Simms
S J Simms
Arthur Simpson
Brian Simpson
Leslie Robert Simpson
Ronald W Simpson
L G Singleton
Leonard Ralph Singleton
Reginald L T Skates
C William Skeats
Robert Skinner
Eric Slingsby
John Desmond Smale
Anthony Small
Philip M Smearton
Died During Period Of N.S.
John Thomas Smedley
Alan Smith
Charles Stuart Smith
Dennis Smith
Don Smith
Eric Smith
Francis Smith
Frank W Smith
Frederick Samuel Smith
Keith Alfred Smith
Raymond Smith
Rex Smith
Ron A Smith
William Charles Smith
William G Smith
Gerald Arthur Smithson
Edward A. Smytherman
I/P Robert (Bob) Sowerby
Arthur W Sparrow
G Spencer
Roger Spencer
James Frederick Spenceley
Dennis Spiers
Reginald Squires
Albert Stafford
Alan Stamp
Douglas Stamp
Charles Stanier
Leslie Alan Stanley
Horace Victor Stannard
Philip Starling
David Steele
Norman Steele
Douglas Stemp
Douglas Stephens
Harry 'Chaim' Stephenson
B G Stepney
Robert Sephton
Leslie Walter Sterry
F W P Stevens
John Charles Stevenson
Charles Stewart
Leonard C Stibbards
Brice John Stillman
George Stanley Stirrup
George Stobbart
---------- Stockwell
Arthur J Stone
George Edward Stone
R W Stone
D E Storey
John S Storkey-Taylor
William James Strachan
Raymond Stott
Charles Stuart
Kenneth W Stuart
Daniel William Stubbings
Robert Henry Sturgeon
Morris Styles
Alan Suggitt
Walter Surridge
Derrick Susans
Joseph Sutcliffe
Robert Alexander Sutherland
Arthur Sutton
Kenneth Sutton
Wilfred Sutton
StanleyWilliam F Swann
Albert E H Swaislan
Roy Swannick
Eric Swinbank
Geoffrey Sykes
John D Tankard
Dr J Tanner CBE
Ronald Edward Tapping
Bernard Tarrant
Stanley Tate
A R Taylor
D Taylor
George M.Taylor
K G Taylor
Norman Taylor
Peter Leslie Taylor
Philip Archie Taylor
Reginald Taylor
Robert Taylor
Warwick Taylor MBE
Alan John Terry
Len Terry
Norman George Terry
William George Tester
Alan Tew
Died During Period Of N.S.
Colin Thacker
Aldwyn Thomas
Cyril Thomas
George Kenneth Thomas
Haviland Frank Thomas
Howell Thomas
John Oliver Thomas
Stephen Raymond Thomas
Frederick Thompson
Rev'd Randolph Thompson
William Thompson-Leigh
Peter Leslie Thornton
Kenneth Gayton Thorpe
Edward Peter Thurbon
Geoffrey C Tickner
Eric P Tingey
Francis Titterington
Gordon Todd
Tony Tomassi
P G Tombs
Ivan Tomlin
I Tomlin JP
Kenneth Charles Torrance
Roy William Tovey
Walter M Townsend
Michael Charles Treissman
K H Trowbridge
Roland Trowbridge
John Tubbitt
Cyril Michael Alan Tuck
died during NS
E R Tuck
Albert Tucker
Harold Frederick Tucker
David Tull
Donald Charles Austin Turnbull
Norman J Turner
Roland C Turner
Roy Dearden Turton
Edgar Tyler
John Tyler
William Uffindall
Leonard Cyril Ungate
Leonard Unwin
Jim Vaughan-Williams
Eric John Valenti
Dennis C Verrall
Ronnie Verrell
Jack Vickers
John Vickers
Died During Period Of N.S.
Reginald Ivan Vickers
R W Vickers
Albert Alfred Villette
Ivor Wade
Basil Alfred Joseph Waite
Alan Herbert Waite
Raymond E Wakeley
H Walker
Jack Walker
L A Walker
Walker (Montrose)
Oswald J Wall
Hugh Samuel Wallace
John Stanley Wallace
Arthur Wall
Oswald John Wall
George Thomas Wallis
Timothy Walsh
Cyril Waltes
Douglas Walter
Gus Walters
Ronald Arthur Walters
B Waltham
John Walton
J Wand
Eric Wanderness
John Wareing
Alan H Ward
Bill Ward
Derek Ward
Eric Ward
Maurice Ward
J Wareing
S Warren
Charles Frances Warren
Derek Warren
Leslie Warren
George Stanley Warren
Kenneth Warwick
Stephen V Warriner Warwick
Graham Wass
Ronald Arthur Waters
Charles Waterfall
William Watson
C W F Watson
Sydney Harold John Watson
Sidney William Watts
William Watts
Norman J Wearne
Gordon Weaver
John F Webb
John Henry Webb
Ken Webb
James T Weeks
Harry Weetman
Denis Charles Wells
Prof George Wells
Derek J Werry
George Thomas West
Gerald Stanley West
Leonard Alfred William West
Roger Barclay West
Frederick Alexander Donald
Rodney Westlake
Douglas Edward Weston
Alfred Charles Wetherall
D E Whale
C Wheeler
Derek Arthur Wheeler
Derek Wheeler
Geoffrey William Whiles
Horace Herbert Whiston
Ronald Whitaker
Basil Alfred Joseph White
Charles Reginald White
George White
R J White
Brian Whitehad
Clarence J Whitehead
Les Whitehouse
Phil A H Whiter
Arthur Whiting
Russ J Whitford
Jack A Whitford
Les Whitehouse
A N Whitmore
G Bernard Whittle
Herbert James Samuel Whittall
Richard (Dick) Whittington
William Wight
Leslie Wilcock
Dennis Wiles
E F T Wiley
Colin Wilkins
John Thomas Wilcox
Peter William Wilks
Died During Period Of N.S.
Albert Arthur Williams
Cyril Hugh Williams
Desmond Kenneth Williams
Donald H Williams
Geoffrey Charles Williams
G L Williams
Gordon Williams
Howard H Williams
John Hillary Williams
John Reece Williams
Merf Williams
W E Williams
Bernard Williamson
Philip Victor Williamson
Jeffrey George J Willingham
Frederick Willis
Peter Wills
Arthur Frederick Wilson
B Robert Wilson
Ian W Wilson
John Thomas Henry Windabank
Eric James Winter George William Winter Lewis Wolek David Sanderson Wood E Wood Francis William Wood Harry Wood J E Wood Martin Francis Wood Percy William Wood Phillip Wood Rev’d Laurence H Wood John Woodley StanleyEdward Woodgate K G Woodham Malcolm James Woodmore Kenneth Woods Fred J Woods
S H Woodward
Anthony Woolams
S Worfolk
Alan Wright
Bertie Wright
Gordon Arthur Wright
Percy Wright
Victor Wright
William Wright
William Ambrose Wright
Jim E W Wyatt
Roy Wyld
Ron F Wythe
Ken E Yates
G Young
H W Young
Ronald Edward Young
S Young
Thomas Walter Young